Name: Hailing (史海玲)
Hometown: Wuhu, Anhui Province (安徽省,芜湖市)
Started Teaching: 2006

“I have been teaching at Mandarin House for many years and have made lots of friends”

Favourite Chinese Saying:


hú jiǎ hǔ wēi

The fox borrowing the awe of the tiger.

It describes anyone who takes advantage of another’s power or influence.


I find this is an interesting 成语, after reading the story of the fox and the tiger Chinese people think that the fox is a victim, but Westerners see the fox as a manipulative schemer. This is a great example of the different responses regarding the same thing; they can be completely different based on their cultural background.

Fond Memory at Mandarin House:

I have been teaching at Mandarin House for many years now and during my time have made lots of friends. I have visited lots of places with them, so it doesn’t matter where I am, I always remember them.

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