Online Chinese Lessons

Any Time, Any Place. Learn Chinese on your schedule anywhere in the world from qualified, well trained Chinese teachers.

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Mandarin House Chinese Online Courses


You want to learn Mandarin Chinese. But maybe your demanding work or travel schedule leaves little time for classroom learning. At Mandarin House, our convenient Chinese online courses are the perfect way to meet your language learning goals.

Study Chinese online.
China regularly tops the list of popular expat destinations. With one of the fastest growing economies in the world, China attracts foreigners for jobs in business, finance, education, hospitality and much more. To increase your chances for a job overseas, studying Mandarin Chinese is a prime way to become more marketable. Get prepared before arriving to China and take a Chinese online course at Mandarin House.

Mandarin House online course.
In our online program, you will experience a highly personal, one-on-one learning atmosphere – on your own schedule, at your own pace – with our professional Mandarin teachers. For over a decade, Mandarin House has helped thousands of people learn one of the most challenging languages in the world. Our approach to teaching enables students to begin using their Mandarin skills immediately, and our supportive learning environment gives students confidence and instant results.

At Mandarin House, our Chinese online course is flexible and tailor-made to meet your schedule. Do you want to study in the morning? No problem! How about on your lunch break? Excellent choice. Or do you prefer evenings? Our professional teaching staff are trained and available for online Mandarin study at your convenience.

Anytime, anywhere learning.
Online students benefit from our comprehensive online support. Speak to certified Mandarin teachers live in online chat rooms, practice writing and reading using online quizzes, and interact with other students online. In addition, Mandarin House Daily Mandarin APP is a new tool to help you practice Mandarin skills on the go. Review and practice your Mandarin skills during your commute or free time, all from the convenience of your mobile device.

Make the most of your time with a Chinese online course at Mandarin House. Study from anywhere in the world – anytime – and watch your language skills rise to success.

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